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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Puerto Rican Real Estate Undervalued

All of the economic and financial uncertainty on the island are making is a great target for undervalued real estate. There is nothing wrong with the land of Puerto Rico, there is nothing wrong with the people of Puerto Rico. High education and literacy rates make it a great place to find bilingual skilled labor without the headaches of visas. The problem with Puerto Rico is the administration of government and inefficiencies associated with it as already discussed in numerous previous postings. 

An outflow of talent and capital to the mainland US is presenting a great opportunity for those who want to take risk in investing in Puerto Rico. The front page of the Money section of CNN online recently had an article about undervalued beach front. The cat may be out of the bag, but who has the guts to actually invest for the long term?

Link to article from CNN Money:

La Perla, Old San Juan (December 2014)

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